

Worship Service 11AM Sunday Morning. Sunday School class will begin again Sept. 11.

Worship @ Westview

Our worship service is a communion service. We come together each week to gather around His Table. We also come together to sing songs of praise, read from God's Word, lift our hearts in prayer, and hear a relevant message straight from the Bible.

The Table is the focal point of our service. Singing, praying, reading, and hearing are important but gathering around the table is what we come for. The table is composed of two simple emblems. Juice & Bread. The juice is of the vine, or grape juice. And the bread is unleavened bread. These represent the body and blood of Jesus when He was crucified on the cross. 1 Corinthians 11:26 tells us; "For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes." God never wants us to forget what paid the price for grace. So each week we come together to remember. Everyone who is a baptized Christ follower is welcome at The Table.

Each week we read a passage from the Old Testament, and the New Testament parts of the Bible. If you bring your own Bible you are encouraged to follow along. If you don't have a Bible to bring you can follow along on the screen.

And we are going to sing. We may sing a song you know, and we will probably sing a song you don't recognize. We try to sing both hymns of our heritage, as well as, song you might have heard on a local Christian radio station.

You will hear a prayer. As Christians we have the opportunity to enter the Thrown Room of God All Mighty with our prayers. And at Westview we take advantage of that privilege. We offer prayers of thanksgiving for all our many blessings, and we also left up our hearts with our concerns and burdens. God loves to hear from His Children.

And of course the preacher is going to share a chosen word from God's Word. Messages take a biblical principle and give it a current application. The Bible is very relevant in our world today. The Bible has an eternal message.

Our service lasts about an hour and everyone is welcome. We aren't as concerned about the dress code as you probably are. As long as your wardrobe is modest you'll fit right in.

Service starts at 11:00. (Unless the preacher gets to talking to people before hand, and then it might start at 11:05.)